Rstudio shiny app
Rstudio shiny app

rstudio shiny app

From reviewing the solutions I often get the feeling that these solutions might make releases somewhat complicated because there are always manual steps involved. Important to note: I haven't tested most of them.

  • The package shinyShortcut (I quote) "will produce an executable file that runs the shiny app directly in the user's default browser".
  • rstudio shiny app

    A second container solution works with docker.

    rstudio shiny app

    I had to adjust the output manually in several places. They get a link in the start menu and that's it. But in the end users may not see the difference to other apps. Every user runs the installer on their system once which will install your app, the packages and the code. The RInno package provides functions to bundle your app and R portable into an installer app.The electron-quick-start project tries this. Either way, take a look at the configuration reference: 3. On option is to wrap your app along withĪ portable R into a container application like Electron. 1 Answer Sorted by: 3 This might depend on your server - do you experience the same issue when publishing to shinyapps If not, it could be an issue with the RStudio server setup.But there are solutions that allow it to bundle those with your code and hide the details from your users. The commenters are basically correct: you need the R binaries in some way, either a portable R or an R server.

    Rstudio shiny app